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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:15 am
by pt4pt4pt4
Does PT4 care if you have every stat enabled for a popup regardless if you use it or not? Or do you need to filter popups for optium use since PT4 keeps track of the popups required?

Are all custom stats treated as equal in PT4 processing / resources? Also compared to the stock stats supplied with PT4?

Re: PT4 CPU Utilization on POPUPS / CUSTOM STATS

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:28 am
by kraada
Popups are queried on demand. When they are queried the data they get is broken out into two pieces - cached data (using built in columns) and custom data (using custom columns). The two are done separately and the data is populated in the order it is available - so you should see your built in data before you see your custom data (unless your custom data grab is fast enough I suppose). Custom data needs to be calculated when it is queried whereas cached data just needs to be retrieved as it's already calculated - thus cached data is going to be significantly faster most of the time.
