In general you don't need to make the same stat but just for a different position - in the HUD you can add your generic stat and change the Position property to see it just from the position you pick (e.g. SB or BB or BTN) and in a report you can just put it in a report that groups by Position.
So that cuts down on some of the work
Let's focus on raising first in with an effective stack of 0 to 8 BBs.
In the Configure -> Statistics window, look at the Raise First In stat. On the Definition page you can see its Value Expression - this is the values used to calculate the stat. So you can see that is (cnt_p_raise_first_in / cnt_p_open_opp ) * 100
cnt_p_raise_first_in and cnt_p_open_opp are columns. Change to the Columns page and you can look at their definitions. Columns are where PT4 gets data from the database directly, so when you build new stats you often (though not always) want new columns. In this case you definitely do - because you need to get new data that is narrower than existing data (if you just wanted to recombine other columns that already exist you wouldn't need new data).
In this case we want to add a condition to only look at hands with an effective stack of less than or equal to 8 BBs. That condition would be:
cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack <= cash_limit.amt_bb * 8
So you'll want to duplicate these existing columns and add that in; here's how you would do it for cnt_p_raise_first_in:
sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_first_raise AND cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp AND cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack <= cash_limit.amt_bb * 8, 1, 0])
Obviously you need to name it something else to save it. Make a similar change to cnt_p_open_opp. Once both of these columns are saved, you can build your new stat out of these two columns; you can duplicate Raise First In and make changes (new name, changed title/description, different columns) to make it a bit easier since it'll give you a place to start.
Then from there you can change things as you need . . . also it's useful to know you can use BETWEEN to test for stuff like 7 to 13 bbs. In that case it'd be:
cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack BETWEEN cash_limit.amt_bb * 7 and cash_limit.amt_bb * 13
Good luck!