With the recent removal of rakeback on Merge, I want to edit my rakeback stat to calculate the old percentage before Feb 1 and either have 0 or whatever my new rate is within a date range. I was able to get it to work using "if(date_played< '2013/02/01 00:00:00', Crake* .35, 0)" That calculates things as I want however when I view this on a report or on a graph, it acts like it is grouping by date. For example if I want to just get the value for a date range (say a month), I could get just one row that was summed. With the above modification, the report will show a row for each date in the range. The graphs are messed up too. Plus the reports will not sum this at the bottom. Strange thing is if I modify this to show a running amt_won + rackback balance, adding the +amt_won column to the stat with no other modification makes this sum on the reports. Still gives a row per date though.
Is there a way to put a date based conditional in a stat without seeing this effect?