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Constructing a Limp CBet Stat

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:57 am
by TapDancingSquid
I'm trying to construct a limp cbet stat for these 3 handed games that only counts hands where a player is the first to enter the pot by limping, isn't iso'ed and then cbets the flop.

I tried this below but it's not working. What am I missing?


lookup_actions_p.action = 'C' AND lookup_actions_f.action = 'B%' AND tourney_hand_summary.cnt_players = 3 AND tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp

Re: Constructing a Limp CBet Stat

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:17 am
by kraada
In what way is it not working? At first glance it looks ok to me.

Re: Constructing a Limp CBet Stat

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:31 am
by TapDancingSquid
I put it into a hand report as an expression filter to check and see if it works. No hands came up, which is impossible.

So I figured I made a mistake somewhere.

Re: Constructing a Limp CBet Stat

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:55 am
by kraada
How large is your database? If it's small this may just not have happened yet.

Re: Constructing a Limp CBet Stat

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:20 am
by TapDancingSquid
3000 games at these games...

Re: Constructing a Limp CBet Stat

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:15 am
by kraada
But do you ever do it? If you made a custom Hand report and filtered on active player and never open limped it would still show nothing.

Re: Constructing a Limp CBet Stat

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:39 pm
by TapDancingSquid
Ya I limp quite a bit. It should definitely be showing up.

Re: Constructing a Limp CBet Stat

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:03 pm
by kraada
If you create a Hand report without this filter expression and go to More Filters and use that to filter for your situation, how many hands do you see? You can filter for limping in Actions and Opportunities -> Preflop -> Calls, open opportunity in A&O -> Preflop -> Opportunities, number of players in Hand Details -> Number of Players and the flop bet in A&O -> Flop -> Bets

Re: Constructing a Limp CBet Stat

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:28 am
by TapDancingSquid
That works, have lots of hands there. Over 500 and they seem to all meet the criteria. For what it's worth continuation bet didn't work but any bet did, guess that makes sense though since we didn't raise pre.

Re: Constructing a Limp CBet Stat

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:38 am
by WhiteRider
The problem is:
lookup_actions_f.action = 'B%'

Equals (=) tests that the actions string exactly matches, but % isn't a valid action character so that will never match.
For wildcard searches like this you need to use 'LIKE'

lookup_actions_p.action = 'C' AND lookup_actions_f.action LIKE 'B%' AND tourney_hand_summary.cnt_players = 3 AND tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp
