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CO fold vs BU 3 bet
Tue May 30, 2017 8:33 am
by d5t6y7
I need help programming a stat that tells me how often the CO folds to a button 3 bet after opening the pot. I'd also like to do this for other positions, such an button vs small blind etc.
Re: CO fold vs BU 3 bet
Tue May 30, 2017 6:46 pm
by Flag_Hippo
Just to clarify you would like that for when the 2Bet is a raise first in i.e. there are no limpers or do you want that for any 2Bet?
Re: CO fold vs BU 3 bet
Wed May 31, 2017 10:50 am
by d5t6y7
Flag_Hippo wrote:Just to clarify you would like that for when the 2Bet is a raise first in i.e. there are no limpers or do you want that for any 2Bet?
That's correct, when there are no limpers.
Re: CO fold vs BU 3 bet
Wed May 31, 2017 11:38 am
by potamito
d5t6y7 wrote:I need help programming a stat that tells me how often the CO folds to a button 3 bet after opening the pot. I'd also like to do this for other positions, such an button vs small blind etc.
Check your imbox i´ve sent u a PM
Re: CO fold vs BU 3 bet
Wed May 31, 2017 3:10 pm
by Flag_Hippo
I've attached a stat for that which you can edit for other positions:
cnt_p_3bet_def_action_fold_when_rfi_co_vs_btn- Code: Select all
sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_first_raise and cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp and cash_hand_player_statistics.position = 1 and cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_3bet_def_opp and cash_hand_player_statistics.enum_p_3bet_action='F' and cash_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p LIKE '810%', 1, 0])
cnt_p_3bet_def_opp_when_rfi_co_vs_btn- Code: Select all
sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_first_raise and cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp and cash_hand_player_statistics.position = 1 and cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_3bet_def_opp and cash_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p LIKE '810%', 1, 0])
Re: CO fold vs BU 3 bet
Wed May 31, 2017 8:52 pm
by d5t6y7
Thank you for creating this, Flag Hippo. In order to change the position to say btn vs small blind, would I set position= 0
and change LIKE '810%', 1, 0 to LIKE '810%', 0 ,9?
Re: CO fold vs BU 3 bet
Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:33 am
by Flag_Hippo
d5t6y7 wrote:In order to change the position to say btn vs small blind, would I set position= 0
d5t6y7 wrote:and change LIKE '810%', 1, 0 to LIKE '810%', 0 ,9?
You don't need to change the numbers at the end as they are part of the
IF function so you only need to change the numbers inside the single quotes and for BTN vs SB that would be LIKE '809%'. This aggressors string records the positions of the aggressive actions in order, so that says position 8 "bet" (the BB was posted) then position 0 (the BTN) 2bet and position 9 (the SB) 3bet. See
this post for more information on how the actors and aggressors strings work.
Re: CO fold vs BU 3 bet
Fri Jun 02, 2017 8:18 am
by d5t6y7
I don't know whether to create a new thread for this one, but I think it's closely related enough to put in the same thread. I'm also interested in creating a stat that tells you how often a player 3 bet vs a certain position, e.g how often a player 3 bet against a CO open on the button, again ignoring limpers.
Re: CO fold vs BU 3 bet
Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:15 pm
by Flag_Hippo
There is a built-in stat called '3Bet vs CO Open' and if you add cash_hand_player_statistics.position = 0 to it that would give you what you want. You can also edit the position and the aggressors/actors string in the expressions to give you stats for other positions.
Re: CO fold vs BU 3 bet
Tue Dec 10, 2024 9:49 am
by ThrustWorld
Hi Hippo,
I'm trying to do stats [Position] fold vs [Position] 3 bet.
I need a clarification: the values I need to change are "cash_hand_player_statistics.position = 1" and "cash_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p LIKE '810%', 1, 0]", right? "809%" is for sb and "810%" is for the other positions?