when you've created/edited custom columns then you make sure you have rebuilt your custom database cache via 'Database -> Database Management -> Rebuild Cache -> Custom Cache Rebuild'.
I done a full cache rebuild and still the same results. I figured it wouldnt help because its picking up a value eg (0/122) OTT and eg (0/52) OTR. I dont understand why it works for flop and not on later streets. I also changed from 3bet+ to only 3bet spots. This is what it looks like now for the turn:
sum(if[(cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_3bet) AND lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '%R' AND cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_t_open_opp AND cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_t_check AND cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_t_bet_facing > 0, 1, 0])
sum(if[(cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_3bet) AND lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '%R' AND cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_t_open_opp AND cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_t_bet_facing > 0 AND substring(lookup_actions_f.action from 1 for 2) = 'XF', 1, 0])
You can also check to see if you have hands that meet the criteria by filtering for them in PokerTracker 4 or by using the method described here.
I also tried this and input expression filter as mentioned and it doesnt filter down to anything really. Its a mix of single raised pots and some 3bet ones but its not showing what I want it too. Its basically showing 302 hands this month but only 5 of them are "XF" OTT using the expression above. Please try and use what I used above to see what I am talking about.
When I asked this earlier and you said both did you mean in the same statistic or each separately?
At this stage the only stat I want is the "X/F" stat for OTF,OTT,OTR. There already is a xr stat for 3bet pots built into PT4. Please try and help me with this stat I am asking for.