Make notes of the hands already played ?

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Make notes of the hands already played ?

Postby Costel » Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:42 am

I have lot of default rules in my NoteTracker PT4 feature.
First, I have notes taken to my players within the hands I played in 2012. I have just imported some other hands played by me in 2011 and notes doesn't appear on any player. What to do ? Why ?

Second, let's say I create a new custom rules for NoteTracker and I need that note to be taken for all existing hands in the database. Do I need every time to export existing hands and then reimport them in order that note to be taken ? Is there any other possibility to avoid that ?
I have a huge database I wish something like after you create/update rules for NoteTracker then click somewhere "Update notes for newly updated rules" in order to avoid to export hands and then reimport them again...

Thank you !
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Re: Make notes of the hands already played ?

Postby kraada » Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:58 am

The default behavior is to only take notes for the last year. You can change this on the Tools -> NoteTracker -> Status page.

You don't need to export and reimport hands, what you want to do is purge notes on the NoteTracker Status page and then re-run NoteTracker and it will reprocess all hands using your new note as well as the other ones. NT will also always run while you are importing hands so you can just wait for it to rebuild its database that way also.
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