6B+ Range w/ AA...

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6B+ Range w/ AA...

Postby dutch81 » Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:10 pm

I can't get this to work, am I using the player action sequence incorrectly?

I have a HH that had me get 6 bet PF and I called his 6B shove and he had AA.
So he min-raised after 2 limpers, ! 3B, he 4B, I 5B, he 6B jammed and I called...

I tried to alter it many ways but couldn't get it to show up in the testing area.
How can I get this holding (AA) to note that this opponent 6B shoved w/ AA?
Screen shot 2014-04-21 at 7.57.03 PM.png
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Re: 6B+ Range w/ AA...

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:37 am

From your description I can't see why that note wouldn't work. Please export your note and attach it to a Support Ticket along with the hand history in question so that we can check it out for you. Include a link to this thread in your ticket.
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