Retrieving Notetracker manual notes

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Retrieving Notetracker manual notes

Postby FieldingGray » Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:55 pm

Hi there,

After a disastrous bout of Windows trauma, I lost all my installed programs last week meaning that I had to reinstall PT4. And then after lots of various troubles, I ended up deleting my backup zip so couldn't restore automatically.

Anyway, I managed to import manually all my hands and have processed all the automatic notes etc so that's all up to date. The only problem is that all the notes that I inputted manually over the past year or so have now disappeared.

Or have they?

None of the files from my system are gone - as far as I know - so I am guessing that somewhere in there are the manual notes. Would they be stored in the PostgreSQL files? If so, what should I be looking for? And how do I import them manually if I find them?

And just to clarify - I mean the notes that I have written into the box as it were. Not my own custom notes. Which as it happens have disappeared as well but as there were only a few of those I am not so bothered as can just set them up again if necessary.

Many thanks as always and as the terrible IT donk that I am, hoping that the solution - if there is one! - will not be too complicated!

All the best,

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Re: Retrieving Notetracker manual notes

Postby kraada » Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:18 pm

There really isn't going to be a good way to manually recover those files, I'm afraid. They would have been stored within your database but I'm guessing if you could have reinstalled PostgreSQL to get your data back you would have done so. There's not going to be a way to import data from PostgreSQL data files.
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Re: Retrieving Notetracker manual notes

Postby 4StarGen » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:13 pm

I'm not an expert but I think you should check your DB to find whether the notes are still there.
In order to that

Open pgAdmin
Select your DB
Open the SQL tab and run this


A table should pop up (if you have notes)

If you find many rows, your notes are still there.
Anyway you should be getting something like the image below, GL
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Re: Retrieving Notetracker manual notes

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:13 am

If that works then you should be able to just connect PT4 to your old database using Database > Database Management > New > Browse for existing database. Whether this is possible depends on whether your PostgreSQL folder was untouched and how you reinstalled PostgreSQL.
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Re: Retrieving Notetracker manual notes

Postby FieldingGray » Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:56 am

Hi there,

Sorry for the delay replying but thank you both for taking the time to offer help and suggestions.

Alas, I haven't been able to find any of the manual notes so it looks like I will have to start from a blank slate :(

But thank you anyway for your help as always.

All the best,

Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:02 pm

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