Tell me if these notes are correct

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Tell me if these notes are correct

Postby Suboptimal88 » Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:38 pm

I tried to make a general note about players who pull big bluffs , here is the note:

filter 1: not selected straight/flush draws

filter 2: high card hand on any street

filter 3: not selected raised all in preflop or went all in preflop

filter 4: hand total pot size 50-200bb

this basically means that whenever the particular player puts above 25bb in the pot , he has nothing , since noone calls these amounts with air , it means that he is bluffing.

will it work?
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Re: Tell me if these notes are correct

Postby kraada » Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:42 pm

Why not use his contribution amount rather than total pot size? That he went to showdown is implied by seeing his hole cards I suppose but it might be better to explicitly add that.
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Re: Tell me if these notes are correct

Postby Suboptimal88 » Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:53 am

i didnt notice the contribution to pot , it looks better , btw i added to the note above a filter with every single raise or bet from flop to river and i added *or* between them , it looks something like , any flop bet or any flop raise or any turn bet or any turn raise and so on.... will it work or is there something i miss?
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Re: Tell me if these notes are correct

Postby kraada » Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:33 am

That will work in that it will require a certain total contribution plus at least one postflop aggressive action. Given that he has to get to showdown to get his hole cards you'll probably get a pretty reasonable list. You can run some tests on the Test page to see for certain how often it triggers.
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Re: Tell me if these notes are correct

Postby Suboptimal88 » Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:17 am

does bb contribution count for tournaments? or it is neccesary to use chip contribution?
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Re: Tell me if these notes are correct

Postby kraada » Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:38 pm

Either should work, it depends what you want to count as sufficient.
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Re: Tell me if these notes are correct

Postby Suboptimal88 » Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:42 pm

i made a filter which says * NOT select straight draw and flush draw * , do i need to make it NOT sdraw OR fdraw? will it not select straight/flush draws combined only? i want it to not select any 8+ out draw. do i have to change it?

Also when i want to include a one pair hand anywhere , it always says * Made one pair on any street * then OR * the pair i choose * do i have to remove or change the *or* to include only the pair i select? it kinda confuse me , will it include any pair i make now? for some reason i cant change it , when i remove it , it returns.
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Re: Tell me if these notes are correct

Postby kraada » Sun Apr 26, 2015 9:54 am

NOT(Straight Draw AND Flush Draw) means that a player doesn't have both a straight draw and a flush draw - which is a very big draw indeed. It sounds like you want NOT(Straight Draw OR Flush Draw) - meaning you don't want them to have either one.

If you're looking at making filters based on specific one pair hands you'll want to likely remove the general Made One Pair piece and just leave the piece with the very specific strength. We have it in our system to improve the way this works but I don't know when it will be available.
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Re: Tell me if these notes are correct

Postby Suboptimal88 » Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:57 am

Made hand one pair on turn means that you made one pair on turn or that you have one pair on turn? does it include the times i made one pair on flop without making an extra filter for it? i ask this for a betting on turn note.
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Re: Tell me if these notes are correct

Postby kraada » Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:15 am

Made one pair on turn means on the turn you have one pair - it includes times that you had the hand on the flop and did not improve on the turn.
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