Note tracker and poker bros

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Note tracker and poker bros

Postby J.friendly » Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:47 pm

Hi. I have never used table tracker or note tracker. I do not believe I need table tracker as I can only play a maximum of 4 tables at poker bros but I am wondering will the note tracker software work with LDPlayer running poker bros app and poker tracker 4?
(Obviously, I also have 3 month subscription to Asian hand converter)
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Re: Note tracker and poker bros

Postby Flag_Hippo » Wed Nov 25, 2020 6:04 am

TableTracker is no longer available but NoteTracker should work on every site - see this guide:

Guide: NoteTracker

Bear in mind if your poker site has anonymous players or players can change names then you wouldn't have lifetime notes but they will still be taken and displayed during each session.
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