Notetracker - Two questions and two suggestions

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Re: Notetracker - Two questions and two suggestions

Postby pepsin » Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:12 pm

Sorry, I still don't get it. There is no column just for the flop being paired (at least I can't find one), the only two columns I can see for paired boards are cnt_f_cbet_opp_paired_board and cnt_f_cbet_paired_board, none of which will work as the stat I want to construct is meant for the bigblind, whereas these will be for smallblind when the preflop action is sb raise and bb call... So by including these in the stat as well as the action sequence on the flop we would include both the action for sb as well as bb and the stat would make no sense..? I'm probably missing something....

Just to make it clear, the stat I'm looking for is this. It's HU and the stat is for bigblind. Raise from sb pre, bb calls. On paired flop bb checks to sb cbet, then bb raises.
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Re: Notetracker - Two questions and two suggestions

Postby kraada » Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:43 am

What WhiteRider is suggesting is that you look at the definitions of those two columns and use them as the basis to build your other ones. You can see the code used to specify a paired board in the columns you do want.
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Re: Notetracker - Two questions and two suggestions

Postby pepsin » Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:00 pm

Ahh, thanks I finally got it. Didn't even know this existed. Anyway, it would be nice if you could check the expressions as I'm not familiar with programming at all. Also, there's no way I can check whether the stat work for the situations I intended (like notetracker notes) right?

I created the column board_paired like this: ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13))

And the stat expression is: (cnt_f_check_raise / cnt_f_cbet_def_opp) * 100 AND board_paired AND position = 8

The position column is probably not necessary as checkraise only applies to bigblind HU, but what I need as well is column setting the number of players as I'd like to make this stat only apply to HU.

Also, as said before - it's really complex to create stats compared to filters and notes. I really love the filter menu, and I'd suggest this becomes an alternative way of building stats. It would need to include stuff like percentages, but this could be achieved by being able to divide one filter by another etcetc..

EDIT: The stat is not working for some reason, tried in a report and got an error.
Last edited by pepsin on Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Notetracker - Two questions and two suggestions

Postby kraada » Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:04 pm

We know it's a bit more work - but there's always a trade off between ease of use and increased difficulty.

You can't AND things together like that in the Stat. You need to build a new column that contains all of the various pieces ANDed together.

For example:

cnt_f_check_raise_board_paired with definition:
sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_check_raise and ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13)), 1, 0])

Then you could use that in a Stat. You don't need to add the blind condition in the stat really since in the Hud Editor you can set Position to BB for the stat and that will do everything you need, and in a report you could just add your stat to a report broken down by Position and see the breakdown that way.
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Re: Notetracker - Two questions and two suggestions

Postby pepsin » Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:41 pm

Amazing support, thanks a lot! I'm slowly starting to learn the details of bulding statistics. Is there anywhere I can read more about this? E.g. explanations of the different database fields, columns and what variables can be inserted etcetc..

Nice if you could take one more look, I believe it works now, at least I get a logical number in report.

I created the cnt_f_cbet_opp_paired_board to count for opportunities, though I'm not 100% sure this is the correct database field, I also used summary type "sum":
sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_cbet_opp AND ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13)), 1, 0])

Then I combined them:

(cnt_f_cbet_paired_board / cnt_f_cbet_opp_paired_board) * 100
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Re: Notetracker - Two questions and two suggestions

Postby kraada » Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:39 am

That looks good. We have some tutorials for PT3, though we haven't put together comprehensive guides for PT4. The PT3 guides are still useful though as most things are in the same general places (though we combined holdem and omaha tables completely, and we moved the hand_player_detail data into hand_player_statistics). You can find the PT3 database schema here and a good tutorial on stat creation in PT3 here - the interface has changed, but the general idea hasn't for the most part.
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