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NoteTracker definition

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 10:07 am
by vimaire

I would like to know the signification of the number at the beginning of a note name.
Does that mean there will be much more definitions with the final PT4 version ?

I'm going to try to make my own notes (mostly for PLO) but I'm not sure I will define exactly what I want.
Is anybody already create other note in PLO ? any file I can import ?

Re: NoteTracker definition

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 2:02 pm
by WhiteRider
I believe the numbers are just for ordering, but I don't know the exact system.

Most of the existing notes should work for holdem or omaha, I think, and if you want notes for PLO they work in the same way. Set up a filter for the situation you want to make a note on - have a look at how the existing note filters are defined for ideas.
We don't yet have a way to share notes but I expect this to be added to the Customize PokerTracker section at some point fairly soon.

Re: NoteTracker definition

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 9:22 am
by kraada
The numbers are just for ordering purposes - we chose all 3 digit numbers so you could just add your own and stay within the scheme if you liked our ordering method. 0xx is preflop, 1xx is flop, 2xx is turn and 3xx is river. Anything less than 50 on a given street is enabled by default, anything starting at 50 and going up is not enabled by default.
