Notes with several variables hard to read

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Notes with several variables hard to read

Postby erdnase17 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:07 pm

I have a note with the following text: chk bk raised pot {board-flop} {cardrange}.
The problem is that notetracker will generate notes like this:
[F] chbk limped pot {Ad4sKc,6hKs7h,JcQsTs,6c2c9h,Qh3d4d} {Q9s,A3o,K8o,J8o,98o} (5)

which is hard to read after a dozen hands. Is it possible to keep the board-flop and cardrange together?

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Re: Notes with several variables hard to read

Postby erdnase17 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:09 am

Here is a worse example of the above mentioned problem:
[F] chbk limped pot {2c4c5s,Kc7s5s,9hKcQh,Qd7d3c,Jc5s4h,6d3s9h,JsKsKh,8c2h6c,6d8c9c,4s5hTh,4d9s7h,QcJdJc,6c2s5h,9dAc8d,Th7cTc,4c3h5d,2c9dTs,3s2h3d,Ks8d5h} {K2s,QTs+,Q5s,J6s,J3s-J4s,T6s,65s,K6o-K7o,Q5o-Q8o,J6o-J7o,T7o,63o} (19)

In this case it is not even possible to pair up flops with the card range (supposedly ordered sequence) since notetracker treats the range string as a unit and uses abbreviations like Q5o-Q8o.

I think this issue can be solved by introducing a new variable {hole-cards} since that is what we want in these cases and not [card-range}.
This way we can get more detailed notes on specific flops. Example cbet flop {AhKd3s AdKh] instead of {AhKd3s AKo] is much more informative.

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Re: Notes with several variables hard to read

Postby kraada » Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:07 am

That's not possible at the moment but I'll make a note of this suggestion and bring it up with the development team when we are next working on NoteTracker issues.
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Re: Notes with several variables hard to read

Postby erdnase17 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:33 am

kraada wrote:That's not possible at the moment but I'll make a note of this suggestion and bring it up with the development team when we are next working on NoteTracker issues.

I am looking forward to see this functionality working as it seems very promising but given the current state of the implementation, defining postflop auto notes is virtually useless. Is there are any estimated timeline for this?

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Re: Notes with several variables hard to read

Postby kraada » Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:23 am

Not at the moment - our priority now is preparing for the PT4 release, and there are several major tasks that are already on the slate for afterwards, so it may be a while yet.
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