by erdnase17 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:09 am
Here is a worse example of the above mentioned problem:
[F] chbk limped pot {2c4c5s,Kc7s5s,9hKcQh,Qd7d3c,Jc5s4h,6d3s9h,JsKsKh,8c2h6c,6d8c9c,4s5hTh,4d9s7h,QcJdJc,6c2s5h,9dAc8d,Th7cTc,4c3h5d,2c9dTs,3s2h3d,Ks8d5h} {K2s,QTs+,Q5s,J6s,J3s-J4s,T6s,65s,K6o-K7o,Q5o-Q8o,J6o-J7o,T7o,63o} (19)
In this case it is not even possible to pair up flops with the card range (supposedly ordered sequence) since notetracker treats the range string as a unit and uses abbreviations like Q5o-Q8o.
I think this issue can be solved by introducing a new variable {hole-cards} since that is what we want in these cases and not [card-range}.
This way we can get more detailed notes on specific flops. Example cbet flop {AhKd3s AdKh] instead of {AhKd3s AKo] is much more informative.