I'm trying to create some automatic notes for all-in moves in tournaments and am running into some issues. Specifically, I am trying to create a note for (1) when a player raises all-in preflop (where the player in question is the raiser, and is not calling an all-in), (2) when a player calls all-in preflop and is at risk (where the player's opponent raises enough to put the player all in (whether or not the opponent is all in) and the player calls), and (3) when a player calls an all-in preflop and is not at risk (where the player's opponent shoves all in, but the player in question covers and is not at risk).
The criteria for the Notetrackers I have created are as follows:
Shove All-In
Player = (Raised All-In)
This appears to work and return a result when the player shoves, but not when the player calls an all in.
Call All-In (At Risk)
Player = (Went All-In) AND NOT(Raised All-In)
This returns a result for both (2) and (3) - i.e., where a player calls an all-in, whether or not the player is at risk.
Call All-In (Covering)
Player = NOT(Went All-In) AND NOT(Folded Preflop Any Fold)
Opponent = (Raised All-In)
This doesn't appear to return any results - even when the player calls an opponent's all-in, but is not at risk.
What is the "Went All-In" criteria (under the Preflop Calls filter) triggered by? It appears to have a positive result whenever a player is in a hand with one of the two players in the hand (whether the player or the opponent) is all in. Is there a way to distinguish between when the caller has the shover covered?