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NoteTracker very slow processing.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:55 am
by tonixart
I added some rules to make NT usable for me.
Not so many, about 30.
In the middle of it, so after about 15 rules i added, i purged all old notes, and processed 35000 hands to compare new rules and old, to check that it is all right.
It took about 3-4 hours. Ok. I deactivated some old rules and added more new rules, about 40 total.
After that it was taking terribly long time to process. I left it for all night and it processed 5000 hands in 10 hours. It is not acceptable.
I deactivated more rules, now it is 28 total active now, and it doesn't go faster. It processed 200 hands in last 20 minutes.
CPU is not fully loaded (15% of 25% which is one core fully loaded), I use SSD for database, so it is not a problem.

Re: NoteTracker very slow processing.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:53 am
by WhiteRider
NoteTracker is designed to work in the background and not interfere with the rest of PT4 whenever possible, so it doesn't generate notes as quickly as possible. It starts with the newest hands so that you always have the most relevant notes possible.
Speed may be affected by the complexity of the filters used, so it's possible that one/some of the notes you added (and didn't remove) take longer to process.

Re: NoteTracker very slow processing.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:16 pm
by tonixart
Thank you!
Yes, i found it!
The problem was with one rule where i accidentally used filter

NOT (Hands Went to Showdown)

instead of

NOT (Saw Showdown)