Auto Notes vs Player Types

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Auto Notes vs Player Types

Postby whiskyjohn » Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:17 pm


Because vs Hero stats/notes are deprecated, I would like to create a set of notes for individual
player types. Let's say I label certain players in my database as tight/aggressive sharks. I would like
to create a set of notes of actions taken *against* such players.

For example, let's say PlayerA is a shark and he raises first in from early position and PlayerB
makes a re-raise. What I want is the hand ranges for PlayerB re-raising sharks. If PlayerB is
also a shark, then he should recognize and restrict his re-raising range vs other sharks. Similarly,
his attempts to re-raise and isolate on fish should be a wider range.

So using filters, it is easy to create a rule for preflop re-raises of an early position RFI. But I
want to restrict the opponent filter to only sharks. Unfortunately, I can't query statistics on
the opponent making the RFI to determine if he is a shark. It would be nice to designate a
player as a shark and filter on that (similar to Player is Hero).

One interim solution I thought of would be to tag all RFI hands from all players I consider sharks
in my database. Then I can select this tag as a filter when I create the Auto Note rules.
However, when I go to save this note, I get the following error, regardless of the tag selected:

"Opponent Filter is Invalid"

What's going on here? Please try this for yourself. Set up any Auto Note using hands with any
tag and when you try to save it, Pokertracker will complain the Filter is Invalid.


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Re: Auto Notes vs Player Types

Postby kraada » Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:32 pm

You should be able to add any normal filter to the Opponent section and it should work. Can you give me an example of one that comes back invalid?

That said, there isn't a way to filter for opponents' statistics in that area at this time.
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Re: Auto Notes vs Player Types

Postby whiskyjohn » Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:42 pm

kraada wrote:You should be able to add any normal filter to the Opponent section and it should work. Can you give me an example of one that comes back invalid?

That said, there isn't a way to filter for opponents' statistics in that area at this time.

Yeah, just create ANY Auto Note using any hand tag. I just did
(Player is Hero) AND (Tags: Any Tag)

It saves and applies filters just fine, but when I try to save the rule itself, it says:

"Player Filter is Invalid"

Check it out. Is it me or is this a problem with the program?

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Re: Auto Notes vs Player Types

Postby kraada » Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:05 pm

I'll look into it; there might be a problem with those specific filters. The tags would be hand tags though not player tags as the filters work right now, which means you'd have to apply the tag to the hand and then purge and reprocess the hands each time you wanted to update notes. Even if it did work it'd be quite a pain.
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Re: Auto Notes vs Player Types

Postby whiskyjohn » Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:41 pm

kraada wrote:I'll look into it; there might be a problem with those specific filters. The tags would be hand tags though not player tags as the filters work right now, which means you'd have to apply the tag to the hand and then purge and reprocess the hands each time you wanted to update notes. Even if it did work it'd be quite a pain.

Well first off I hope you can duplicate the problem. I don't think you need to tag any hands at all, just see if
you get the same error that I do when you try to filter an Auto Note using a hand tag. Is there a fix? Right now
I cannot to anything I want because I can't save the rule!

Secondly, perhaps you could pass on the suggestion about filtering on player types. At the very least, it would
be nice to apply filters to only those players that we tag as sharks, fish, calling stations, etc. In another thread,
I stressed that notes should really be more player-specific and not hand-specific. There I said, I don't care
about some random player that I may never see again playing some range of hands in some specific way. I care
about the players I most often combat. It would be nice to profile these players and create a set of filter rules
just for them. I agree that vs Hero stats are generally useless because of sample size issues. However, player
type sample sizes are much larger. I know I play differently against different types of opponents. I assume
my competition does also.

Finally, my idea to tag hands is not quite the pain in the ass you think because I really only need to do this once
for players I already have a great deal of history on. As per my example, if I simply tag all raise first in hands from
Player1-PlayerN, then I can create a rule for any player that gives me the hand ranges any time he re-raises hands
that are tagged as I want. Of course nothing new will get written to the Auto Notes unless I tag all new hands
and reprocess, which is certainly a pain in the ass as per another thread where this was discussed. Still, I'd like
to try this processing and see the results. But I cannot do that right now unless the problem above is fixed!

Help, Help!!!

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Re: Auto Notes vs Player Types

Postby kraada » Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:05 am

I do see the same problem. I'll talk it over with a developer to see what we can do about it.
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Re: Auto Notes vs Player Types

Postby whiskyjohn » Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:02 am

kraada wrote:I do see the same problem. I'll talk it over with a developer to see what we can do about it.

Ok. I hope the issue can be resolved soon. Please let me know if any fix is forthcoming.

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Re: Auto Notes vs Player Types

Postby whiskyjohn » Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:56 pm

whiskyjohn wrote:
kraada wrote:I do see the same problem. I'll talk it over with a developer to see what we can do about it.

Ok. I hope the issue can be resolved soon. Please let me know if any fix is forthcoming.


I know you guys got your hands full dealing with 4.11.x issues, but if it is not too much trouble, could this small(?) issue be resolved in
one of the forthcoming updates? I have been waiting for months on this.

Ideally, it would be nice to designated a player a custom type and tailor a note rule for that type, but I would settle for a fix to the issue
above where hands that have been tagged cannot be used in the filter rules.

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Re: Auto Notes vs Player Types

Postby kraada » Wed Jun 04, 2014 4:01 pm

This is on our list to fix, but I can't say for certain exactly when a fix will come.
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