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Processed hands remain in NT...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 2:43 pm
by dutch81
I was playing a session last night and the notes appeared extremely slowly again and I wasn't sure why. Notes were triggering about 15 hands after the hand was over. I have a lot of notes that don't require a S.D. and yet after 15+ hands, there wasn't a single note. Today I went to settings to clear notes for hero and noticed 383 hands weren't processed so I decided to process it now before I play my next session. Could this be the reason why my notes seems to trigger very slowly? It's very strange, just a week ago things were running faster than I've ever seen and now it's back to the slowest. I had Derek look over some things and try to get to the bottom of this and although he couldn't reinstall postgres, it seemed to fix the issue of having notes appear after 2-3 hands after the hand was played and also not flooding my player boxes w/ 15 notes at once instead of a steady collection of notes being triggered but it was short lived. It seems completely random and it's pretty annoying. Should this be processing during play or after to help speed things up? If processing after the session, will this have any impact on the speed of notes being triggered as well as the flooding of the notes all at once?


Re: Processed hands remain in NT...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:33 am
by kraada
Hands are processed for NT when they are imported via Get Hands While Playing. In fact, whenever GHWP is running NoteTracker is running as well unless you stop it via the button shown in your screenshot. You can also manually run NT when you aren't importing via the same button as you've found.

Derek is definitely the best person to keep working with to get to the bottom of this behavior.

Re: Processed hands remain in NT...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:33 pm
by dutch81
OK, thanks. I'll try to get another TV session going again. I appreciate it.