Notetracker - note order organization

Discuss and learn how to use TableTracker for table selection and NoteTracker for taking automated notes.

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Notetracker - note order organization

Postby Decoy » Thu May 10, 2018 1:12 am


I noticed that notetracker saves the notes in chronological order, but is there a way of setting a default order to be better able to group similar stats
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Re: Notetracker - note order organization

Postby Flag_Hippo » Thu May 10, 2018 7:35 am

If you are referring to the order of NoteTracker notes in the HUD then they are are displayed in alpha-numerical order. It's not currently possible to manually change the order other than editing the 'Text to Insert as Note:' variable but if you want to be automatically notified if this feature is added in a future update then you can let us know in a Support Ticket.
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