list notes with variables on separate lines

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list notes with variables on separate lines

Postby Jackntigger » Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:40 am

Hi, I have an automatic note that tells me what my opponents are stabbing with. It comes out looking like this:
[T] Stab turn w no flush{99,22,A7s,J3s,54s,A8o,K9o,Q9o,JTo,83o}{Kd5h2s,Jh8sJd,Ks4h4d,6dTs7s,KsJh7h,AcAh5s,Ts9hTd,Ts5d5s,2cKh6d,9cAhTs}{3c,7d,7d,8h,3s,Ks,Ah,3s,8d,2h} (10)

The above is unreadable. Is there a way to make separate line items each time this note is generated so it would look something like this:
[T] Stab turn w no flush{99}{Kd5h2s,Jhs}
[T] Stab turn w no flush {22}{Jh8sJd,Ksh}

If the hand ranges are listed line by line, I can see exactly what my opponents are stabbing with.
Posts: 84
Joined: Fri May 08, 2015 10:35 pm

Re: list notes with variables on separate lines

Postby Flag_Hippo » Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:21 am

That's not possible unless you create a note definition for each set of hole cards. Alternatively you could create definitions using 'Group Select' in the hole cards range selector for suited connectors, any ace, broadway hands e.t.c. which would help separate things.
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