PT4 noob

A special forum dedicated to our PT4 for Mac OS X users

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Re: PT4 noob

Postby jsimon101 » Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:41 pm

WhiteRider wrote:I'm not seeing any problems uploading long videos to YouTube. Make sure that you're running our latest version v4.13.1 (PT4 Download Page), and that you have all of your OS updates installed.

Have you verified your YouTube account to allow you do upload videos over 15 minutes? (I assume so, but needs checking.)

Are you able to upload shorter PT videos?

Have you tried uploading to YouTube directly from the video export window, or are you uploading the exported video file?

If you're only having problems with this tournament (or longer tournaments) please attach the original hand history file for the tournament to a Support Ticket with a link to this thread so that we can investigate.

i've tried all of the above with the exception of the mac os update - i'll take care of that now. Yes in the past I have uploaded numerous videos from PT4 onto youtube for my study group to watch with around the same length (200-300) hands.

If i have problems still i will contact support.
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Joined: Tue May 05, 2009 12:21 am


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