Again having this issue, I'd like to know why but first:
I have PostgreSQL showing up on my login screen, how do I remove it and put a stop to this happening every few months?
Yosemite 10.10.4
Moderators: WhiteRider, kraada, Flag_Hippo, morny, Moderators
WhiteRider wrote:This article describes how to do that.
WhiteRider wrote:What problem are you having hiding the postgres user? Is there a particular part of that guide you have trouble with?
Your player data and notes are stored in a PostgreSQL database so won't be affected if you uninstall PT4 (as long as you don't uninstall PostgreSQL as well).
What are you trying to do? We may be able to offer an alternative approach.
HondaKid wrote:sudo dscl . create /Users/hiddenuser IsHidden 1
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