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where is group by summary on mac

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 1:32 am
by joeygrimes
I just want to see common hand results scenarios, overpair vs underpair preflop win %, dominated hands preflop win % etc, flopped pair %, flopped set %.

I googled about summary report and group by, I can't find any of this, I checked results, it's not there, they have every other stat imaginaable in reports, is this not available on mac or pt?

Re: where is group by summary on mac

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 5:10 am
by Flag_Hippo
Those reports are not available by default however there are custom reports available in the Download Warehouse which will get you started:

Guide: Creating My Reports
joeygrimes wrote:overpair vs underpair preflop win %

There is an 'AA vs KK' custom report which can be edited for different holdings - see this post for the hole card values.
joeygrimes wrote:dominated hands preflop win % etc, flopped pair %, flopped set %.

There is an 'All-In Equity under 51%' custom report which can be edited for different equities.
joeygrimes wrote:flopped pair %

There is a 'Flopped Pair Or Better Using At Least One Hole Card' custom report.
joeygrimes wrote:flopped set %

There is a 'Flopped Sets' custom report.
