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PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 7:11 am
by 3quid
I have a few things that constantly niggle me during use of PT4 on a daily basis...

1. Scroll sideways on reports that are wider than the screen using trackpad gesture/scroll. You have to click drag the bar. Unless there is a way?
2. To open a hand to review you need to double click it. Is there a way to open it using the keyboard? Enter (e.g. Enter)? Possible?
3. Once the replayer is open ⌘ + W doesn't close the window! Is it possible?
4. When in replayer it would be great if there was a key to move to the next hand in the list. This would make reviewing a list of hands SO much quicker.
5. When a row in a list is selected using the highlight colour (which I know you can change) it would be great if it allowed opacity levels so you can still see clearly if its a winning/losing row. I really struggle to see the green/red against the colour background (colour blindness).
6. Allowing the ability to change widths/alignment of protected stats. I really like to have numerical stats centred but you can't achieve that without duplicating, choosing a different alignment and then adding the new stat to all reports.

Sorry to just list out things I don't like. There is loads that I do like!!

Hoping one day that PT5 materialises and we can have a UI that looks clean and fresh!

Re: Niggles

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 7:50 am
by Flag_Hippo
Thank you for your suggestions and feedback and I'll pass those on for you to the development team. There isn't any other functionality for the points you've listed other than #4 and #5.
3quid wrote:4. When in replayer it would be great if there was a key to move to the next hand in the list. This would make reviewing a list of hands SO much quicker.

The replayer does have hotkeys so you can move between hands provided you have loaded more than one single hand into the replayer:

Guide: Replayer

Guide: Replayer Key Shortcuts

3quid wrote:5. When a row in a list is selected using the highlight colour (which I know you can change) it would be great if it allowed opacity levels so you can still see clearly if its a winning/losing row. I really struggle to see the green/red against the colour background (colour blindness).

There aren't opacity options but above the 'Row Highlight Color' option there are four other boxes where you can change the color of winning/losing text and/or rows so if it would be easier for you to use different colors from red/green that can be changed.

Re: Niggles

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 8:57 am
by 3quid
Thanks Hippo!

I'll go check out the hotkeys guide.

Yeh, I have tried to make the colours as obvious as possible but I do still struggle with it at times. A thought going toward the next UI maybe 8-)

Re: Niggles

PostPosted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:18 am
by mind_blown
3quid wrote:I have a few things that constantly niggle me during use of PT4 on a daily basis...

1. Scroll sideways on reports that are wider than the screen using trackpad gesture/scroll. You have to click drag the bar. Unless there is a way?
2. To open a hand to review you need to double click it. Is there a way to open it using the keyboard? Enter (e.g. Enter)? Possible?
3. Once the replayer is open ⌘ + W doesn't close the window! Is it possible?

Yes, yes and yes! Those three were all things I noticed immediately during my first day of trial.

Re: Niggles

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:23 pm
by mind_blown
And touchpad scrolling doesn't work in the Edit Quick Filters dialogue. Minor niggle.