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Found 0 files to monitor

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:56 pm
by hruskkka
Hello guys
i've been using PT4 for a couple of weeks, everything was fine until two days ago with no reason at all, it decides to stop working. It doesnt show anymore the HUD during the game.
On the view import status the only message i get is:

09:47:43 pm: GTECH G2 (Boss): Starting auto-import.
09:47:43 pm: GTECH G2 (Boss): Found 0 files to monitor.

The directory in which the hand history are saved is correct, i tried to unistall both PT4 and my poker client and install again but it did not help.

Im playing in an italian poker room called Lottomatica which runs under Boss Media and as i said, everything worked fine.
I really please you guys to help me.

Re: Found 0 files to monitor

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:18 pm
by WhiteRider
Are the hand history files still being written to the correct folder as you play?
If so, are you able to import the files with Get Hands From Disk?

Re: Found 0 files to monitor

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:32 pm
by hruskkka
thanks for the quick answer.
i did not solve the problem but at least i think i got what it is. I've been looking in some forum of my poker client and looks like everybody else using any poker assistant is facing the same problem, so i assume is not a pt4 problem but its their problem...
of course those things happens 1 week before the ending of the VIP system :D:D:D:D ...bastards :D

i just wanted to thank you for the quick answer i hope i can count on this community in case i'll need :)

Re: Found 0 files to monitor

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:15 am
by WhiteRider
We'll be here.. :)

If you find out what is going on please let us know.
