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A whole bucket of issues with PT v4.10.3

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:26 pm
by HondaKid
PT v4.10.3
PokersStars 6, build 7284

Where to start?

My HUD does not update (or start for that matter) unless PT is up and in view. As I have limited screen space and more than one table open at times I cannot keep PT up on the desktop at all times. To update the HUD I have to pop up PT every few hands. Yeah, gets old real quick.

My HUD does not update accurately things like:
-Effective Stack Number
-My raised first in % (SB)
-My number of hands played.
-And many more....

Between being the bug tester for PS and now PT I ought to be billing the both of you. PT updates in the pat two days have both reverted back to issues I had them solve months ago.

Re: A whole bucket of issues with PT v4.10.3

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:37 am
by WhiteRider
I have reported the problems with the Hud in v4.10.3 to the development team.

Until we can get this fixed you can revert to v4.10.2 here (or Mac version here).

Re: A whole bucket of issues with PT v4.10.3

PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:42 pm
by HondaKid
Thanks, reverting to the older version. In the future I am not updating PT if at all possible and staying a release behind. PS also released an update the same day as PT, who did what.... we'll never know but I do know my PT and PS were and are still not right. PS gives us no choice but to update to their bug infested software. I appreciate PT giving us as option in this area.

Re: A whole bucket of issues with PT v4.10.3

PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:53 am
by kraada
4.10.4 is available now, please try upgrading to it as the 4.10.3 problems should be fixed in that version.

Re: A whole bucket of issues with PT v4.10.3

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:05 pm
by HondaKid
A short update, PT 4 is working very well, no issues since the update a few months ago. So, case closed.
