Support for Homebrew-installed PostgreSQL
Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:07 pm
by NimhOfJoy
I'm trying to restore this DB on OS X with PostgreSQL installed via Homebrew, but I keep getting this error: ... 033ad60e87and when I find psql, the dialog box won't let me select it: ... 704c9dbd1dHelp?
Re: Support for Homebrew-installed PostgreSQL
Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:53 am
by WhiteRider
I've asked the developer in charge of the backup/restore functionality about this and will let you know what I find out.
Re: Support for Homebrew-installed PostgreSQL
Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:24 am
by WhiteRider
The development team are looking into how we may be able to make this more flexible in future, but for now you should be able to change the path to the PostgreSQL files by editing the PokerTracker.cfg file.
In PT4 go to File > Open User Data Folder then close PT4.
In the window that opened go to the "Config" folder.
Edit the PokerTracker.cfg file in a text editor.
Find the section labelled "[Directories]" where you should see a line beginning with "PostgresBin".
You can change that to point to where your PostgreSQL files are.
Save the file and restart PT4 and then Restore should be able to access the PostgreSQL files it needs.
Re: Support for Homebrew-installed PostgreSQL
Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:50 pm
by NimhOfJoy
I don't see any section labelled "Directories" - should I add it: ... 1faf9f52cc
Re: Support for Homebrew-installed PostgreSQL
Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:53 pm
by kraada
Yes. The formatting will look like this (with your own path instead of course)
- Code: Select all
PostgresBin=C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.0/bin/