All-in EV adjusted not working

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All-in EV adjusted not working

Postby fattymcbones » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:00 pm

Hi guys,

Not sure what’s going on with my database, but ever since I did an update about 2500 games ago (around June 24), my adjusted ev is not tracking. It’s been going nearly straight down. At first I thought it was some weird variance, but the longer it goes the more obvious it becomes that something’s messed up either with my database or the import process. It’s still tracking results and hands correctly. Should I rebuild the database?

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Re: All-in EV adjusted not working

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:41 am

If you're not using v4.11.9 (or the new 4.11.10) please update. If you still have the problem with newly imported hands please attach an example hand history file to a Support Ticket so that we can investigate.
If new hands work in the latest version then you can purge and reimport your recent hands to update the results for those.
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Re: All-in EV adjusted not working

Postby fattymcbones » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:31 am

I am using the 4.11.9, but I just discovered something in my library files. For some reason, all of my new HH’s are saving to a folder titled “TournSummary” instead of the “HandHistory” folder. PTracker is still searching for the old HH files. Is this the problem? It looks like the HH’s contained in the “tournsummary” folder started on the very day that my all in ev stopped tracking.

Will drag/dropping the tournsummary folder OR copy/pasting the HH’s themselves into the “HandHistory” folder potentially resolve the issue?
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Re: All-in EV adjusted not working

Postby kraada » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:30 am

You'll want to make sure that PokerTracker is looking at the folder where PokerStars is saving hands. You can add the proper folder in Configure -> Sites & Import Options -> PokerStars. PT4 can look at two folders for PokerStars as sometimes hand histories and tournament summaries are saved separately.
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Re: All-in EV adjusted not working

Postby fattymcbones » Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:37 pm

Thanks! I’ve updated the settings and now it actually includes the tourney HH’s, too. Not sure what caused them to stop in the first place.

My question now is what’s the best way to get those hands back into the database? I did the whole “get hands from disk” and had it find the directory for the files. PT processed them, but the results haven’t changed - I’m sure because I missed a step or 4 :). Suggestions?
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Re: All-in EV adjusted not working

Postby kraada » Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:35 pm

That should be all you need to do. Do your tournaments show results properly on the View Stats -> Overview -> Results page?
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Re: All-in EV adjusted not working

Postby fattymcbones » Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:29 pm

Yeah, the results are tracking, but it seems the EV is not. Maybe I’m just this bad? I don’t get it. It was tracking fine for the first 5k games, then over my last 3k games, it says I should be down $30k… I play the $15 and $30 hypers on stars. $30k down seems a little much.
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Re: All-in EV adjusted not working

Postby kraada » Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:53 pm

That doesn't look right. Since Hypers tend to be pretty short, could you look at a few that final curve and see if you can find any where the adjusted value doesn't look right? You can zoom in on the graph by clicking and dragging to make it easier to find them.
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Re: All-in EV adjusted not working

Postby fattymcbones » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:40 pm

Not exactly sure what you mean. I’ve been studying for the last 3k games with a high-stakes pro and he just kind of laughed at the graph and said it’s simply not tracking. It seems incredibly unlikely for the EV to be tracking correctly, but I’m not sure how to repair it. Should I simply rebuild the database and see what comes out? Or attempt a backup/reinstall?

By the way, the breakdown in the EV line began the day I ran a PT4 update to 4.11.8 (I think it was .8). I’m on .10 now.
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Re: All-in EV adjusted not working

Postby kraada » Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:10 pm

Go into the Enter Tournament Results area, highlight all tournaments with ctrl+a and click Auto Detect. It'll take a while given the number of tournaments but that might fix things for you.
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