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tournament type wrong detection

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:27 pm
by MaxKaoss
HI guys. i play a lot of SNG 5-tables and 10 tables (regular speed). like 100-120 per session. At the end of my sessions i always see that PT4 detects 20-30 sngs wrong: sometimes like MTT, sometimes like BOUNTY , sometimes like TURBO sng or wrong buy-in (sometimes its just random digits like $0.43+$19.57+20.00.. 0.43 buy in and 19.57 rake lol. ). tired to manually edit them. Please fix it.

yosemite/ pt4 v4.12

Re: tournament type wrong detection

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:17 am
by WhiteRider
Please compress the original hand history and summary files for a few of the tournaments and attach them to a Support Ticket so that we can investigate. By default the original files will have been moved to the Processed folder which you can access via File > Open User Data Folder.