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Reviewing HH Conitnuous for specific tournament
Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:15 pm
by Gabesaurus
I’ve seen universal hand replayed but thought it should be possible to replay a tournament in PT4 hand by hand - for every hand in a selected tournament.
Here is how far I’ve gotten and what do I do next so I can replay a tournamnet, hand by hand, in it’s entirety?
Re: Reviewing HH Conitnuous for specific tournament
Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:18 pm
by Gabesaurus
What I mean is,
I would like to replay a tournament (for review) without having to click on each hand to see it in the replayer.
Re: Reviewing HH Conitnuous for specific tournament
Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:34 pm
by Gabesaurus
For example, when I get to this part of reports and right click, if I export, what am I exporting and to what or where?
Re: Reviewing HH Conitnuous for specific tournament
Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:53 pm
by WhiteRider
Double click on the tournament to drill down and see the hands, then in the hands report right click > Replay All Hands. Note that the hands will be replayed in the report order so you may want to change the order (as the default is latest hands first) by clicking on the column headers.
Personally I prefer to use the Statistics > Summary report with Group by Tournament so that I can see tournaments at the top and their hands at the bottom.