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Problem with trial on P*

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:43 am
by krazen
Hi, I've installed the trial but I can't really try the PT4 on my games: 6-max on PokerStars, because of the "TRIAL: PLEASE REGISTER" writing, which covers bet amount of player sitting at the top of the table and can't be moved. Well, it can but it keeps going back there and it's hard to move it every time I need when playing 8 tables. All that renders PT4 trial virtually unusable, HUD at least.

I've got nothing against that trial information, but I think it shouldn't cover bet amounts.

I've got latest PT4 for OS X and PokerStars 7 software.

Re: Problem with trial on P*

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:50 pm
by kraada
Unfortunately it is necessary for us to have that bar there for our trial. You can move it out of the way temporarily with ctrl+click and drag but if you want it gone permanently you will need to register. We do have a 14 day money back guarantee if you are worried once you've registered and played without the bar there you won't be happy with your purchase.
