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Hud Display on External Monitor.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:49 am
by Fleri89
Hi All,

I'm playing on 10 tables, ( 6 on my macbook pro 13 inch and the remaining 4 on my external monitor ). Hud display on my laptop is is fine, the hud with the players info is displayed as configured. Hud display on my external monitor is all scattered, basically all hud displays are randomly displayed on my screen. Could this be a bug which occurred during the last PT 4 updated. I had no problems before with this setup.

Re: Hud Display on External Monitor.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:33 am
by kraada
There are some known issues with external monitors on OS X right now, and we are working on fixing them. We should release a new version as soon as they are fixed, but I can't give a more solid ETA than that right now. If you'd like to be notified when a fix is available, please create a support ticket and we'll make sure you get notified.
