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pokerstars not importing

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:28 am
by Muhatma
hello together,

i have recently downloaded PT4 again and i am playing in stars.
it does not import any hands. even if i try to manually import hhs into PT4 nothing is happening.

also, when i click on the database (empty) i get balck boxes that upon changing size reveal some PT4 messages. really strange.

can any help?

Re: pokerstars not importing

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:11 pm
by kraada
Please enable logging via Configure -> Options -> Logging Enabled, restart PT4 and attempt to Get Hands While Playing while you play for a few hands. Send us a report it via our support system with the log file - that will help us figure out what is going on here and get it fixed for you. You can find that file by clicking File --> Show User Data Folder in the main PT4 window - the file we need is the text file called PokerTracker4 that is in that folder. The log will contain considerable information we can use to diagnose what is the best next step for you.

Re: pokerstars not importing

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:40 am
by Muhatma
Hi Kraada,
just did copy a log into the support center.
I have the HHs but still cant do anything with them. Ideally i would love to be able to just import while I play but that would not even be that important since I dont use a HUD.

Re: pokerstars not importing

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:50 am
by WhiteRider
I don't see a ticket for your account - if you created your ticket without logging in please post your ticket number here. If you were logged in you can check your tickets at My Account > My Support Tickets. If you haven't opened a ticket please do so - your logs should let us see what is going on.

Re: pokerstars not importing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:43 pm
by Muhatma

that is what it says in my account. i am pretty sure i was logged in

Re: pokerstars not importing

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:34 pm
by kraada
Are the hand history files in English? If not you'll need to set PokerStars to save hands in English for PT4 to be able to import them. If they are please attache one of the original hand history files to your ticket so that we can investigate further for you.

Re: pokerstars not importing

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:14 am
by Muhatma
hey guys, it was set up in german. i ll give it another try. thx!

Re: pokerstars not importing

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:06 pm
by Muhatma
hi guys,

sorry it is still not working. i think i have created a big mess now.
i manually created a new folder on my desktop where the HHs import into. this folder contained these HHs but they could not be imported. it says in red „pokerstars does not seem to be installed“.
so i deleated stars and tried it all over again and now i do still have that „selfcreated HH folder in there“ and cannot get the original settings back to work.
honestly not sure what to do here. i dont understand why it does not read or import these HHs.

track in pokerstars settings matches the track in PT4 - /users/name/Desktop/StarsHH

any ideas?

sorry for these problems...

Re: pokerstars not importing

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:12 pm
by kraada
The red error text is not a problem if the configurations are right - but putting the hand history folder on your desktop can cause problems. Please create a new folder in your home directory (not on your desktop) for your hands. Set PokerStars to save hands there, then set PT4 to import from there. If auto-detection still does not work in Configure -> Sites & Import Options -> PokerStars, then click the Add button and manually enter the folder - once you do that it should work even if the red error text remains.

Re: pokerstars not importing

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:31 am
by Muhatma
hi guys,

i have changed the folder to: /users/name/HandHistoryStars/

PT4 auto dedected it with pokerstars and that folder shows up but still nothing is importing.
