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Americas Cardroom (WPN): HUD not showing on Omaha tables

PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:47 pm
by joaoleao

The HUD works ok on Hold’em tables but doesn’t display on PLO tables. The hands are imported by PT4 though.
Is this a known issue?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Americas Cardroom (WPN): HUD not showing on Omaha tables

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:20 am
by WhiteRider
Yes, there's a known issue with some missing information in omaha histories written by the Mac version of the WPN software which the development team are looking into working around (although hopefully WPN will fix their software to write the correct information). If you want to receive a notification when the fix is released please open a Support Ticket and ask to be linked to #6201.