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HUD not on

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:04 pm
by Alma Rules
Hi, I just bought Pokertracker 4 for my Mac, I'm playing on Pokerstars Uk and I had no trouble importing my previous hands (I was using previously the trial of Poker Copilot) but I have an issue with Pokertracker4, the HUD won't show up when I play. I did press the Get hands while playing button, I used the set up assistant and matched my preferred seats with Pokerstars.

Why is it not working? I must have missed something!


Alma Rules

Re: HUD not on

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:41 pm
by Flag_Hippo
We have a guide for getting things setup with PokerStars here and if you are playing Zoom please make sure to take note of the Zoom steps in that guide. If you have any further trouble please open a Support Ticket with a PokerTracker4.log file that's recorded the trouble so that we can investigate that for you.
