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Setup Problems please help.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:01 pm
by srfcjay
Hi so im trying to install pokertracker 4 on my mac, i ran it a couple of years ago as a trial and have now redownloaded it. when the PostgreSQL comes up it is confirgured to the settings provided in the support guide on the site. when i click connect a message pops up saying "unable to connect to this database, please check configuration" does anyone know how to fix this i cannot set up poker tracker because of this, anyone help is appreciated thanks.

Re: Setup Problems please help.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:03 am
by Flag_Hippo
You can uninstall any remaining elements of previous PostgreSQL installs following this tutorial and then manually download and install PostgreSQL 9.3 available from here. Using a Mac administrator account or administrative privileges install that PostgreSQL and for the password boxes use "dbpass" (no quotes) which is what PokerTracker 4 uses by default. Once PostgreSQL installs successfully reboot your computer and then try starting PokerTracker 4 again.
