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Leaving PT4 in an other folder than Applications

PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:35 pm
by pierremomo

since the last update it is mandatory to place PT4 in the applications folder. Is there a way to avoid that behaviour ? I am using a semi-pro laptop on which I have a "personal" folder in which I would like to put PT4...

for now I keep using the older version which does not require to be placed in the Applications folder..

thanks for your help,


Re: Leaving PT4 in an other folder than Applications

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:16 am
by WhiteRider
This behaviour is required to avoid security concerns within OSX; however you can currently run it from a folder call Applications anywhere you like.
The development team want to improve the detection of valid locations in future so are interested to hear where (exactly which folder) you're currently running PT4 from?