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How do I purge only Stat and auto notes ?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:27 am
by dangereux333
instead of starting from scratch … was wondering if there is a way to keep the manual notes on players as well as the color I assigned them and purge the stats … and autonotes.

I don’t want the program to be slowing down…. sometimes when I have multiple tables open … does size of the database matter ? I have the Prohud add ons.


Re: How do I purge only Stat and auto notes ?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:36 pm
by Flag_Hippo
If you purge hands from your database then any notes taken for a player will remain provided at least 1 hand still exists for them in the database. With regards to performance that can be affected by the number of tables open and the database size but there are also many other factors. If you are having issues then you can report that to us in a Support Ticket with your log file:

Tutorial: Reporting A Problem
