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Find Hand History from A Few Days Ago

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2019 12:06 pm
by MikeBalthasar
Hi guys! New to PT4 and love using it. I’m having a hard time finding hand history from a few days ago. I go to “Get Hands From Disk” and then I select a .txt file under the “Processed” directory under PT4. I go to my PokerStars folder and chose the file under the date the tournament took place. After selecting the file, nothing shows up in my hand history, totally blank. Wondering if anyone has experienced this before. Thanks!

Re: Find Hand History from A Few Days Ago

PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2019 1:12 pm
by Flag_Hippo
What was the result of the import? Did the PokerTracker window report the hands as being imported or not? If they were reported as duplicates then the hands are already in your database and you can view them in PokerTracker 4 via the 'View Stats' section where there are a variety of tabs/reports to view your poker data. If you cannot see any data then make sure you have selected the correct player and are looking in the right section (cash game data ($) and tournament data (T) are stored separately). Finally check that you don't have filters enabled and that if you are in a report that lists individual hands that you are not filtering for any marked/tagged hands. If you still have a problem then please attach a screenshots here or in a Support Ticket so we can see what is going on - get the entire PokerTracker 4 window and don't zoom in on anything.