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Quick filter for all in pots not capturing an all-in hand

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2020 10:01 am
by o0Q0o
I’ve created a quick filter showing all hands where I called an all-in or shoved all-in on any street. The first attachment is a screen shot of the quick filter.

Yesterday I noticed a hand where the villain shoved all-in and I called, yet my quick filter did not capture the hand.

Why did the filter not capture the hand? Does the exclusion have to do with the other villains in the hand. They are larger stacks and folded to the first villain’s shove.

PokerStars - $0.10 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

BTN: 103.5 BB
SB: 161.9 BB
Hero (BB): 284.7 BB
UTG: 64.2 BB
MP: 176.3 BB
CO: 102.5 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has Th Td
UTG calls 1 BB, fold, fold, BTN raises to 4 BB, fold, Hero raises to 13.5 BB, fold, BTN calls 9.5 BB

Flop : (28.5 BB, 2 players) 2c 2s 8s
Hero bets 20 BB, BTN calls 20 BB

Turn : (68.5 BB, 2 players) 2d
Hero bets 251.2 BB and is all-in, BTN calls 70 BB and is all-in

River : (208.5 BB, 2 players) 9h

Players agreed to run it twice.

River #2: (208.5 BB, 2 players) Js

Hero shows Th Td (Full House, Twos full of Tens)
Board #1 (Pre 82%, Flop 88%, Turn 95%)
(Full House, Twos full of Tens)
Board #2 (Pre 89%, Flop 92%, Turn 98%)

BTN shows 9s 9d (Full House, Nines full of Twos)
Board #1 (Pre 18%, Flop 12%, Turn 5%)
(Full House, Twos full of Nines)
Board #2 (Pre 11%, Flop 8%, Turn 2%)

BTN wins 99.6 BB
Hero wins 99.5 BB

Re: Quick filter for all in pots not capturing an all-in han

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2020 1:43 pm
by Flag_Hippo
o0Q0o wrote:I’ve created a quick filter showing all hands where I called an all-in or shoved all-in on any street. The first attachment is a screen shot of the quick filter.

Yesterday I noticed a hand where the villain shoved all-in and I called, yet my quick filter did not capture the hand.

Why did the filter not capture the hand? Does the exclusion have to do with the other villains in the hand. They are larger stacks and folded to the first villain’s shove.

Are you sure this is the right hand? The hand you have posted has Hero betting all-in and I don't see any other players folding to the all-in as there are only 2 players on the turn.

Please also note that there isn't a built-in filter for betting all-in. If you want to filter for every all-in you can use this custom filter in 'My Reports':

Code: Select all
cash_hand_player_statistics.enum_allin SIMILAR TO '(P|p|F|f|T|t|R|r)'

You can use this filter by clicking on the 'Filters' link and selecting 'Add New Expression Filters'.

Re: Quick filter for all in pots not capturing an all-in han

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2020 3:24 pm
by o0Q0o
I appreciate you reading my description carefully. Alas, my written description is incorrect. Must have been confused with another hand when I wrote the note.

The hand and filter I included are correct.

Any idea why the quick filter I created does not capture the hand copied directly from PT4?

You’re correct, the hand shows hero shoved and villain called. The filter seems to show all hands where the hero raised all-in and had a showdown should be capture.

Yet, this hand is not captured.

Lastly, thank you for the filter. It works for when the hero shoves. I’d like to filter for when hero (shoves or calls a shoves) and sees a showdown. Any idea why my original filter does not accomplish my goal?

Re: Quick filter for all in pots not capturing an all-in han

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 5:38 am
by Flag_Hippo
o0Q0o wrote:Any idea why the quick filter I created does not capture the hand copied directly from PT4?

o0Q0o wrote:Any idea why my original filter does not accomplish my goal?

As I mentioned in my original reply there isn't a built-in filter for betting all-in. If you read your filter it's raises and calls only.
o0Q0o wrote:Lastly, thank you for the filter. It works for when the hero shoves. I’d like to filter for when hero (shoves or calls a shoves)

That filter I gave isn't just for when Hero shoves. It covers all all-ins including calls.

Re: Quick filter for all in pots not capturing an all-in han

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 12:07 pm
by o0Q0o
Finally! I understand what you have been attempting to communicate. Appreciate your patience.