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Issue with Postgre

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:11 am
by npsmith1285
I recently had to downgrade my OS to Mojave from Catalina because i was unable to play from desktop due to geolocation issues with Catalina OS. After resetting my mac and uploading my backup, I tried setting up PT4. But its unable to connect to the SQL server. I have looked at the forums with people who have similar issues in the past. I tried restarting computer, trashing the PT4 and SQL and then reinstalling them. I tried inputting different passwords for the SQL server. I tried something with the command line. But I am still not getting anywhere with this. Note, before i went with Mojave i was able to open PT4 and use. I am not a computer wiz, so i am stuck here. Thanks for the help.

Re: Issue with Postgre

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:40 am
by WhiteRider
Please open a Support Ticket with the information you posted here and one of our technicians will work with you to get PostgreSQL working again.
