Problems with heat maps

Premium PokerTracker Add-On Developer & creator of numerous custom HUD's, stat packs and heat maps.

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Problems with heat maps

Postby armorman80 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:45 am

Hi, I recently purchased heat maps from your store, uploaded them to Pokertracker4 and created a dedicated group for these stats by inserting the relevant heatmaps, and here a problem arose: in addition to the fact that the heatmaps do not display the data for which they are created, also in the other pop-ups of the main hud, Stats are not displayed correctly. I've followed your guide to importing heat maps to the letter, rebuilt the cache, done the database analysis, and even updated the postgres version from 9.6 to 10.23, but so far without results. I tried to insert one popup at a time, but since I inserted them unfortunately the hud and its default popups don't work properly, and the strangest thing is that if I can with the mouse arrow on the stat of a random popup, it doesn't even tell me what stat it is, just as if it wasn't inserted in the hud I finally removed the HUD group I created, but this did not restore the functionality of the original HUD, showing me only a part of the stats included. How can I fix this? Thank you very much for your time.

Immagine 2023-12-08 095022.png
Heat Map

Immagine 2023-12-08 094100.png
Popup HUD

Pokertracker 4 Version 4.17.10
Database Version PostgresSQL v10.23
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:49 am

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