Hey I took a break for about six months. Saw the renewal for the Elite MTT Hud subscriptions so I fired up some tables. PT4 is giving me this error: I have the Elite MTT Hud Subscription, Flop Texture Pack and vs Hero/Villain pack purchased. I tried to go through the reinstall process to see if that would fix it but the links I have from my initial purchase both give the 400 error when I click on the link from the installation PDF. I e-mailed support@propokerhuds.com and tried to submit a support request through their site but their contact form is broken. Is there any help?
04:01:38 pm: Error: Winning Poker Network: Unable to import hand (#985360109). Reason: Error: Unable to execute query: Fatal Error; Reason: Error: (ERROR: schema "pph" does not exist