EasyStreet Spin
Automatic HUD Switching for Spin & Go Poker
EasyStreet Spin switches your HUD automatically when the game transitions from 3-handed to heads-up – allowing you to turn your full attention to the game.
Additional Features
- Hotkey HUD switching. Switch to other HUDs for special situations or to check a player’s stats in your other HUD.
- Hotkeys for marking hands for review and displaying hole cards from previous hand. Makes in-game and post-game reviews faster and easier.
- Automatic updates. Get notified whenever a new version is available so you know you are always using the latest.
Reliability Guaranteed
By focusing specifically on Spin & Go’s, EasyStreet Spin has completely eliminated early switches and incorrect switches back to the 3-player HUD. But don’t take our word for it, try it for yourself.
EasyStreet Spin Will Pay for Itself
EasyStreet’s blind level timer will allow you to be the first button of a new blind level more frequently. Effectively lowering the blinds for you, this translates directly to more chips per game.
With the small edges in today’s Spin & Go games, this is the easiest way to increase your edge and make a real improvement in your ROI.
Super Simple Setup
Just select your heads-up HUD from the list. That’s it!
And no need for additional licenses – it’s linked with your PokerTracker and PokerStars accounts and works everywhere.
Free Months for You and Your Friends
Refer a friend and you both get a free month added to your account. Refer 12 friends and get a free year of EasyStreet Spin.
Affordable plans designed for specific player levels