by nokaspokas » Fri Jul 14, 2023 11:55 am
The definition you are mentioning seems to have been edited. This can be noticed by the VP grouping it has set instead of PF. These changes might be why it is not showing the hands.
I tested that same definition on a Database with a few examples of limp/call and it produces notes as it should in the brackets. The other thing that could be affecting this is the currency, but since the "Limpsbehind" notes is producing notes it is unlikely, so I suggest comparing both before going down that road. Most likely the "$cardrange" variable is missing in the Limp/call definition you are currently using.
You can correct this by reinstalling the definitions package to correct the definition that is not working, unless using the VP grouping is important for you. In that case make sure both definitions use exactly the same options and variables (limp/call, limpbehind).
Let me know if this helps,
Best wishes,