There is an issue with the latest NoteCaddy update which the NoteCaddy developer is working to resolve. We apologise for the inconvenience and in the meantime you can stop NoteCaddy from loading as follows:
1. Start PokerTracker 4.
2. Select 'File -> Open User Data Folder'.
3. In the window that opens go into the 'Apps' folder and then the 'Tm90ZUNhZGR5' folder.
4. Rename the 'NoteCaddyPT4.exe' to something else e.g. '_NoteCaddyPT4.exe'.
5. Restart PokerTracker 4 and NoteCaddy will no longer load.
6. Once the issue has been resolved you can change the file name back to 'NoteCaddyPT4.exe'.
If you still want to be removed from the NoteCaddy Beta then please let us know in a
Support Ticket.