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Handrange matrix in popup

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 6:06 pm
by GeneHackman
I just switched from notecaddy on hm2 to notecaddy on pt4. I am unable to view the handrange matrix in pt4 popups.

These are from custom made defs in hm2 using the $cardrange variable.

Just wondering if this feature is currently working before i keep tinkering or recreate the defs in pt4.

Thanks so much!

Re: Handrange matrix in popup

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:16 pm
by nostrakhan
GeneHackman wrote:Hello,
I just switched from notecaddy on hm2 to notecaddy on pt4. I am unable to view the handrange matrix in pt4 popups.

These are from custom made defs in hm2 using the $cardrange variable.

Just wondering if this feature is currently working before i keep tinkering or recreate the defs in pt4.

Thanks so much!

Hi GeneHackman,

From what I can tell the heatmaps are still working in PT4:

I tested in the replayer.

Can you show a screenshot of what you see?

Re: Handrange matrix in popup

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:30 pm
by GeneHackman
Hi, thanks for the confirmation.

I only see the normal popup box with: player, stat, value, this session.
Just added security exceptions but still no luck. I'm going to go over all my settings and also create a fresh stat in pt4 and try again this evening.

I will let you know if I'm still unsuccessful.

Thank you