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Size of badges

PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 12:08 pm
by rogorz

Is there a way to increase the size of badges? When playing several tables on one screen, the tables are smaller so the HUD gest smaller as well. This is not a problem with the stats since I can increase the font size to make sure it is still readable. But adjusting the font size on the badges doesn't do anything, and I find the badges hard to see when they get that small. (I don't actually want to make them bigger, I would just prefer if they didn't shrink with the rest of the HUD, their normal size is perfect)


Re: Size of badges

PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:04 am
by SretiCentV
I understand what you mean and I think it's a reasonable thing to want this. Unfortunately NC doesn't know which tables it's being asked to provide data for and so this would be impossible to do without PT providing more information. I will bring it up with them but cannot estimate any timeline for now.
