Make sure the Ignition Hand Grabber is enabled via 'PokerTracker Apps -> Ignition Hand Grabber'. If it's enabled then security software could be interfering with the files needed for the hand grabber. If you're using any security software (such as antivirus, firewall), please make sure to follow the instructions given in the
Security Software Configuration Guide. In addition to the folders/files listed there add an exception for the folder containing the Ignition files:
C:\Users\{Windows Login}\AppData\Local\PokerTracker 4\Apps\SWduaXRpb24gSGFuZCBHcmFiYmVyIf you do not see the AppData folder in Windows File Explorer then please refer to
this guide.
If that doesn't help select 'File --> Open User Data Folder' in the main PokerTracker 4 window.
In the window that opens go into the 'Apps' folder and then inside the 'SWduaXRpb24gSGFuZCBHcmFiYmVy' folder.
Delete any files in this folder.
Next turn on 'Enable Logging' in PokerTracker 4 via 'Configure -> Options' and then restart PokerTracker 4.
If the issue persists select the 'File -> Create Support Bundle' menu option in PokerTracker 4.
Attach the support bundle that's created to a
Support Ticket.