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A Problem with RFI stat? with ignition hand grabber

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 4:55 pm
by texan989
I notice that between my ACR stats and Ignition/Bovada stats in PT4, that the RFI stat seems calculated differently. I viewed both in the range visualizer and am using approximately the same ranges for both acr/bovada.

It seems like its calculating (number_of_times_i_raise_first/total_hands_played) instead of (number_of_times_i_raise_first/opportunities_i_have_to_raise_first).

Has anyone else noticed this?


Re: A Problem with RFI stat? with ignition hand grabber

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 6:29 pm
by WhiteRider
The stats don't know anything about what site the hands are from so there can't be a difference between sites in that sense.
It is possible that some 'raise first in actions' or some 'open opportunities' were counted incorrectly for one site or another but I'm not aware of any of those currently.

You could try filtering for those situations and see if you have any hands which are filtered incorrectly, and if you find any attach them to a Support Ticket so that we can investigate.

From your screenshots it isn't possible to identify any issue. We can see that the percentages are pretty different for some positions (but similar for others), but there could be differences in the way that the other players act at those different sites that means that some actions occur more frequently than others, for example.

Re: A Problem with RFI stat? with ignition hand grabber

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:40 pm
by texan989
Makes sense. I'll open a support ticket and submit the appropriate logs/etc. Thanks